Why you can’t get past the first date and how to solve it

The most complete guide for men

Author: Chris Blonk

man frustrated because he cannot get a second date

Being frequently rejected after the first date can be emotionally draining. I used to experience rejection after the first date frequently in my early twenties. Since I’ve struggled with this issue in the past but solved it, I thought I would impart some of my knowledge to my fellow men out there. Hopefully, after reading this you will go from “I can’t get past the first date” to getting second dates regularly.

How often can you expect a second date?

Let’s start by setting your expectations. Here is my estimate for myself when I was a beginner versus when I got more experienced:

New to dating: 10% chance of getting a second date

Experienced at dating: 50% chance of getting a second date

These estimates are for when I wanted a second date. Realize that you will never reach a 100% chance of a second date no matter what you do. Disappointment is often due to coming in with over-optimistic expectations. It’s quite common that, since either of you could decline a second date, there’s often only about a 10% chance of a second date occurring. And that’s an estimate for when you’re already experienced and know what you’re doing.

getting past the first date

But the first date went well! What happened?

Have you experienced this scenario? You went on a date and things seemed to go super well, you had a blast talking about different topics, and she laughed at all your bad jokes. At the end of the date, she said “I had a lot of fun”. You tell her “me too, let’s do this again sometime” and she answers “yeah!”, and you leave with a hug. A few days later you try to ask her out on another date and you get turned down or receive no response. What happened here? Let’s break it down.

Your date did not go as well as you think it did

Your idea of what a good first date looks like might be rather tame if you are inexperienced. Having good conversational chemistry is definitely a good thing, but if the woman you’re going out with is socially intelligent, she can have good conversational chemistry with nearly anyone. Having a great conversation is rarely enough to get a second date. You may also have misread her signs. If it’s challenging for you to notice if someone is into you, I recommend checking out our guide to reading her signs of interest.

A good date versus a great date

Imagine a woman goes on two dates; A and B. Here’s how she describes these two dates to her friends:

Date A: “I met this guy and he’s super cool to hang out with. We got along great while we talked for a few hours.”

Date B: “I met this guy and… I don’t know if he likes me for something more, but we had amazing sex, and now I can’t stop thinking about him!”

Which first date do you think was better in her eyes?

feet of couple in bed

Why it’s difficult to pinpoint the reasons

In some cases you might go on several first dates and every single woman you go out with rejects you for the exact same reason. This might happen if you have a glaring flaw, and if so, you’re probably well aware of what that flaw is. For example, you might have a severe speech impediment. But in most cases, women will reject you for a variety of reasons, making it difficult to suss out the true cause each time. Women will also often hesitate to tell you why they rejected you. Because of this, I created a list of the most common reasons for getting rejected after a first date. Use this list to see if any of these might apply to you.

Top 10 most common reasons why you did not get a second date

  1. Not disclosing important details before meeting in person

    This applies only if you met online. Before the first date, you might have chosen to leave out important details. For example, that you’re a dad, your age, that you have a disability, that you are very short, and that you’re only looking for casual sex or similar important details. By hiding some of these important details before the meeting, and only revealing them in person, any of these factors could lead to rejection after the first date.

  2. You did not escalate physically

    If a woman likes you, it’s quite likely that she will want you to escalate things to kissing or sex at some point. Sex for the first date? Isn’t that a little early? It depends on the woman. For many, it’s too soon. For others, having sex on the first date is exactly why they went on the date in the first place. Because the cultural norms dictate that men should make all the “first moves”, you are responsible for escalating things to kissing and sex. If you don’t escalate, she might assume that you’re not interested, or get more of a friend vibe from you. I will break down how to do this escalation correctly later in the article. Obviously, you want to keep an eye out for signs that she’s interested.

  3. You’re not looking for the same

    People look for all kinds of different things when dating, from one-night stands to marriage. You might not be on the same page here, and she might pick up on that through the small things you say and how you behave. Did you know that having a tattoo can make you seem slightly less attractive for a long-term relationship? Some women are quite perceptive, so she might be able to pick up on your intentions even if you don’t tell her what you’re looking for directly. If she feels there’s a mismatch in your dating goals, she’s unlikely to want to go on a second date with you.

  4. She is not really motivated to date

    Some women go on dates without really wanting it. How can that be? There could be many reasons, such as social pressure from her friends or just having nothing better to do that day. Some women aren’t really over their ex-boyfriend but they’re trying to move on and push themselves to date. Men also do this, so I don’t judge. The important thing is to look for the signs. You might notice her being disinterested before the date. She might show up late, treat you rudely, or dress poorly. She might have canceled your date proposals several times in the past. Be also aware of women who are set up by their friends to go out with you. That can be an indicator that she might just be going out with you to please her friends.

  5. You mislead her about your appearance

    Since modern dating often involves meeting online, it’s common for people to use the best possible images of themselves that they have. If your appearance has changed since those images were taken, or the images misrepresent you in a significant way, women may not be physically attracted to you in person. You might get away with looking a tiny bit better in the images than in real life, but the more you push that difference between the “you” in the images versus the “you” in real life, the higher the chance is that she will be disappointed when meeting you. Some guys also lie about their height or age, often leading to the same result; no second dates. Are you unsure of whether to show your abs in your dating profile pictures? We tested that here.

  6. You came across as overly insecure

    It’s normal to be nervous on a first date. If you have been rejected a lot after first dates in the past, this might make those symptoms worse. If you’re generally shy on dates, don’t know what to do and say, and your armpits are intensely sweaty, then she might notice that and think to herself that you’re not a confident guy. Women tend to like men who are confident and seem to know what they’re doing. If a guy seems too insecure on a date, she will usually lose interest.

  7. You dressed too poorly for her taste

    I’ve had one female friend tell me that she was completely grossed out by a guy who came to the date with dirty running shoes. Women differ largely in how fancy they prefer men to dress. If she dresses very fancy herself, she may prefer that the guy dress formally to match her vibe. It’s possible to dress too formally too, but the problem is usually the other way around. You want to dress for the woman and the setting. If you’re taking her to a very nice restaurant you should dress better than if you’re meeting for coffee, where a business casual look will be perfectly appropriate. Notice how she dresses and tries to match her vibe. It’s also important that you feel comfortable and confident in your clothes, so this can be a bit of a tradeoff. Whatever clothes or shoes you choose, at least make sure that they’re clean, as women tend to dislike a disheveled appearance.

  8. You did not ask her any questions about her

    One of the more common complaints women have after a date is that that man didn’t ask them any personal questions. If you’re very nervous about how you’re coming across, it may cause you to only talk about yourself since that’s a topic you’re comfortable talking about. Asking her questions requires you to divert attention away from yourself and enter into topics that you may not know anything about. When this happens, women may think you have no genuine interest in them and that you’re self-obsessed.

  9. Lack of long-term compatibility

    Women are often checking for long-term compatibility on dates. They may even do that if they’re looking for something casual. Why? Because they know that if you begin having casual sex, it’s possible that she might develop feelings for you and want something more with you later on. You might not think some of these compatibility things matter, but for her, they might be very important. Some common things a woman may look for are things like: Your political views, your views on religion, what type of lifestyle you’re living, your desire for adventure versus stability, your socio-economic status, your education level, your job, and where you prefer to live, etc. If you’re planning to leave the country soon, that might also be a strike against you for long-term compatibility. If you both have very different values or you’re very different people, that might be a reason you did not get a second date.

  10. Lack of emotionally stimulating activities and conversations

    This is also called “playing it safe”. Often women will complain that they just did not feel much during the date. There are certain activities and topics of conversation that are a lot more emotionally stimulating than others. There is a study showing that men who just walked across a scary hanging bridge, rated a female interviewer as more attractive compared to a group of men who walked across a sturdy bridge. The researchers believed that the increased heart rate and the adrenaline were misattributed as a feeling of attraction. Here you can read more about the misattribution of arousal. Note that arousal in the field of Psychology is any excited and alert bodily state, not just referring to sexual arousal. If you talk about very personal topics, it’s more likely to generate some level of arousal compared to safer topics, such as work or the weather. Drinking coffee, or having a high-sugar snack, can also increase this type of arousal. Increasing the physical touching between you is yet another way to increase arousal as it can feel slightly dangerous and exciting. A great date should feel emotionally stimulating. Generating arousal is the key, and then you can hope that some of that arousal is misattributed as an attraction for you. Women tend to look for someone that is socially exciting.

hanging bridge in canada

10 things you can do to improve your chances of getting a second date

  1. Talk to her on video chat before asking her out on the first date

    If you met on a dating app or dating site, you can drastically improve your chances of a second date by going on video chat with her before asking her out on the first date. The reason is that she might only have seen your pictures on the app, but not heard your voice, seen your mannerisms, heard the way you talk, or seen your expressions. And she could reject you for any of those reasons. However, if you video chat with her first, and she still goes out on a date with you, then at least you know that she’s most likely not rejecting you for any of those reasons.

  2. Ask out women in real life

    On dating apps, attractive women are often inundated by a plethora of options. This can lead to her feeling that one date is nothing special. She might even have lined up three dates this week alone and therefore is not as invested in it as much as you may be. A good tip is therefore to not rely only on dating apps but to also ask out women in real life. A huge benefit to asking women out in real life is that they already know what you look like, your voice, your height, and some of your personality, mannerisms, and expressions. If they agree to a first date it’s therefore unlikely that you will be rejected for any of those reasons. Women will typically also feel that this kind of date is more special since it’s not that often she’s asked out in real life compared to when she’s on dating apps.

  3. Escalate physically on the date, the right way

    Some men are too hesitant and don’t dare to escalate at all, and others are too aggressive and transgressive. The clue to doing it correctly is to go slowly from casual touching to friendly touching to romantic touching throughout the date. Watch her reactions. If she seems stiff or uncomfortable, back off a bit. It’s important to start this touching early - even if it’s just at a superficial level. It will feel super weird to her if the first time you touch it’s a kiss. Ideally, you have already high-fived, playfully pushed each other, hugged, and held hands, or showed similar physical affection before kissing. Women differ in how fast they’re comfortable with physical escalation, and if she’s not interested she may not accept any escalation at all. The point about going slow is that it gives her plenty of opportunities to stop you. Never surprise a woman with a fast kiss coming out of nowhere. It’s also a gentlemanly move to ask her if you’re moving too fast for her, as women often love that kind of attentiveness. You want to ensure everything is consensual and that she feels good about what’s happening. She should feel that you have the skills to escalate physically in a way that makes her feel safe and respected, but that you’re still leading the interaction in a confident yet relaxed manner. Should you ask for permission to kiss her? We answer that question here.

  4. Dress well for the first date

    There are many videos on Youtube on how to dress for a first date, so feel free to look at those. Don’t smell too strong and make sure your clothes and shoes are clean. Shower before you go on the date, and make sure that you have a mint for that fresh breath. If you’re going to use aftershave or cologne, be aware that this is risky since some women are allergic or hypersensitive to smells. You will never get rejected for smelling like nothing, but you can absolutely get rejected for smelling too strongly of cologne or aftershave. I, therefore, recommend going with a mildly scented body wash or deodorant instead, as it’s a safer option. If you’re not getting second dates it’s better to eliminate any potential reasons for rejection, rather than attempt to impress her with a fancy scent.

  5. Engage her positive emotions

    This is something we already talked about. You want to engage her emotions on the date. This means talking about personal and emotional topics and it means doing activities. And it probably also means that you initiated some kind of physical connection too, like kissing or sex. At the same time, you want to avoid any negative emotions. The best way to do that is to avoid contentious topics and try to be open-minded, flexible, and happy throughout the date. Treat waiters and people around you with respect and kindness, and of course, show your date respect as well.

  6. Keep her wondering what it is you want with her

    If you put all your cards on the table right away, there’s no mystery. If it’s a bit unclear what you’re looking for, she might spend a lot of time trying to figure that out, and that means more time thinking about you. Now, this could backfire if you’re with a woman who really seems to be looking for one specific thing. So if you notice a woman is very goal-oriented with her dating then it’s better to be upfront about your own intentions as well as to not waste each other’s time.

  7. Don’t make a fuss about who pays

    At the end of the date, no matter if you had coffee, wine, or something to eat, or went to a paid activity, someone has to pay for it. The key here is to not make a big deal about it. I recommend that the default move is that you pay if you were the one who asked her out. However, if she interrupts you to split the bill or she wants to pay for all of it, let her. Don’t make a big deal about it. One of the most common topics for couples to fight about is money. Do not start arguing about this on the first date.

  8. End the date a little early

    A common theme in dating is that you do not want to seem too desperate. There’s always this little game going on regarding who is more interested than the other. If you drag out a date longer than she perhaps wants to, then it’s likely that the date will end on a bad note for her. She will remember the feeling of wanting to leave but not wanting to be rude. However, if you leave the date early, it signals to her that you’re not desperate. I once had a date lasting just 15 minutes and then I left and I got a second date with that girl. I’m not saying to aim for 15 minutes, but try not to drag dates out for many hours if there’s no reason to. If she begins to seem tired or disinterested, end the date right away. It’s better to leave her wanting more and end the date a little too soon rather than a little too late. The only time you should not end the date a little early is if she seems super excited to continue hanging out, or you just had sex and she wants you to stick around.

  9. Wait about 2 days after the first date to invite her out to the second date

    Waiting too short or too long after a first date can be a bad thing. If you wait too short of a time, she will get the feeling that you’re desperate and needy. If you wait too long, she will assume you’re not interested and move on to meet other guys. I’ve found through trial and error that it’s good to ask her out on a second date about 2 days after the first date. So I recommend that you try that and see how that works for you. There may of course be some cultural differences from place to place regarding how quickly things move. Keep in mind I’m operating within a modern, Western culture here.

  10. Ask her personal questions about herself

    It’s generally better if you seem interested in who she is as a person, versus just being into her based on her appearance or because you just want sex. When you ask questions it’s good to start off with surface-level topics such as “What do you like to do for fun? What made you choose this career path?” and similar questions. Gradually throughout the date, you want to get a bit more personal and ask her about her family and upbringing. And if you really want to take a risk, you could ask her about her recent dating experiences, and you can both laugh at the bad dates you’ve had. This is certainly a topic that can spark some emotions but bring it up at your own risk. No risk, no reward!

happy couple on a date walking on a bridge

The best process to improve your chances over time

To get more second dates, you want to learn from your experiences. A failed first date is only as good as what you learned from it. The way to do this is quite simple. After every date you have, write down a few notes on what you did well, and what seemed to elicit a positive response from her. And write down a few things you could have done better. Really push yourself to try to figure out what you could have done better. Even if it was very minor, such as not being 5 minutes late, or that you forgot to smile when you first met her. Over time you will get better and better at first dates, provided that you follow this process of self-evaluation. Dating is not about getting a second date every time. It’s about finding a good match that warrants a second date. If you want to become a complete expert at first dates, check out our book; Flawless: First Date Mastery for Men.


Getting rejected after the first date is common so don’t beat yourself up over it. Learn from each date and improve your first dates over time. Perhaps you currently can’t get past the first date, but this can change. We went through a list of common issues and some things you can do to improve your chances so you rarely have to experience rejection after the first date again. I hope this serves you well. If you liked this article feel free to share it with others, or contact me to share your thoughts. Also, check out some of our other articles on our home page; datingfrustrating.com

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